Evangelization & Faith Formation
For the Church, evangelizing means bringing the Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new.
The definition from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith “Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization.” This Congregation has a seat at the Holy Office in Rome.
Evangelization is aimed at all of humanity. To evangelize does not mean simply to teach a doctrine, but to proclaim Jesus Christ by one’s words and actions, that is, to make oneself an instrument of His presence and action in the world.
At St. Barnabas Catholic Church, faith formation primarily focuses on deepening your initial conversion to faith. It incorporates the catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral ministries. We have faith formation for everyone based upon where you are in your faith journey from youth formation such as PRS, Vacation Bible School, EDGE, and Life Teen to adult formation that includes OCIA, ACE, and bible studies.